Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I thought today would be picture day, but for whatever reason, I can't get my photos to upload to the blog page! I was really looking forward to showing y'all what I've been doing.  The Peony Corsage from February's Inside Crochet is positively addicting! They really work up quickly and are relatively easy.  I have made a BUNCH. 

Have I told you before that Inside Crochet has got to be my most favorite of all the pattern magazines that I have seen?  I wish I could afford the subscription but since it is a UK mag and I live in the US the cost is prohibitive.  I can't explain it but I prefer my magazines in hand.  One or two digital patterens is okay, but if I am going to look at an entire magazine I want to be able to hold it, feel the weight,  and browse through the pages with my hands...... the experience is much different than holding a lap top and pushing buttons.  Are you like that?  maybe, I'm just old fashioned that way.  I dunno.

I also, bought a digital download from Annie's Attic (ironic, eh?) of thread cross patterns.  So, easy.  I wanted to show you one that I had made but I suppose that will have to wait for another day when I can't work on the picture thing a little more. (I'm full of contradictions. Ha!)

Oh, merciful God, what has happened to Japan?  The awsome power of nature!  The beautiful resilience of the Japanese people!!! I pray that God and his Angels protect these people from futher horrors... I am overwhelmed trying to put into words everything I feel about this.

I don't really want this blog to turn into a political or religeous discussion, but I do want to say please pray for the people of Isreal. There is a great and powerful evil moving in our world.  There is also a great and powerful Light.  Stand in the Light. Reject the evil.  Amen.

Now, my mini Schnauzer, Bella, is telling me it's time to take a walk outside.  Oh,wow, have I mentioned it's been perfect weather here for the last week or so?  Absolutely gorgeous in Central Florida.  So, off for that walk we go......

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